1/19/2025 0 Comments Cognitive Capacity #5 GritThere has been a great deal of research into the power of GRIT. It is really all about self-control, determination and perseverance. In some it is called stubbornness. It can be a powerful gift, if a student learns how to use their determination in the right way.
The problem is that many of our non-traditional learners, who have strong-wills, use that will-power to push against the authority in the classroom. We need to find ways to help these strong-willed children develop their determination and perseverence, in essence their grit, and direct it towards meaningful project. Wikipedia states that "In psychology, grit is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on a person's perseverance of effort combined with their passion for a particular long-term goal or end state (a powerful motivation to achieve an objective). This perseverance of effort helps people overcome obstacles or challenges to accomplishment and drives people to achieve." I would beg to differ that it is non-cognitive. Perhaps, a strong-will in itself is non-cognitive, but learning how to use it and direct it and control it is most definitely a cognitive capacity that can be developed. Just ask any Marine Sargent. What are they doing but developing grit. An interesting observation is that our students with ADHD may seem to have terrible issues with "grit". They can't seem to complete any of their assigned work. They don't seem to be able to persevere through much of anything. They are easily distracted and switch from one activity to the next in an instant. But these observations have less to do with the strong will, than they have to do with the ability for these young people to work with their own will. This is why it is necessary for the teachers to create activities that will help build the capacity to work with the will. If this would become the number one focus in our classrooms, our ADHD kids would flourish, and the supposed need to medicate these brilliant minds would be considered laughable. Grit is highly related to self-control. Self-control, which underlies delayed gratification, is a core component of grit. Angela Duckworth’s research defines grit as perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Gritty individuals are able to regulate their emotions and behaviors, allowing them to stay committed even when immediate rewards are unavailable. The ability to delay gratification as a child, as indicated by the famous Marshmallow test, is associated with a number of meaningful measures of success in adulthood. Here are some ideas on how to build grit in our students.
1/11/2025 0 Comments AttentionI put attention as one of the cognitive capacities to develop. Indeed, this was my area of expertise in Neuroscience, and so I find it ironic that I simply put attention in a general sense. In all actuality, attention is not a unitary phenomenon. Micheal Posner defined three aspects of attention in his own research. And since then we can probably add at least one more component of attention.
Attention is as broad a concept as consciousness itself. It has connections to so many areas of learning that is must be concidered one of the central elements of teaching. James’s Definition of Attention In The Principles of Psychology, James defined attention as: "The taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought." This statement emphasizes the selective nature of attention—it involves focusing on a specific stimulus while filtering out others, allowing for clarity and mental engagement. Key Characteristics of Attention
Attention as a Gateway to ConsciousnessJames believed that attention plays a central role in shaping conscious experience. He famously wrote: "My experience is what I agree to attend to." This statement underscores the idea that what we focus on determines what we perceive, experience, and ultimately integrate into our understanding of the world. Attention’s Role in Learning and MemoryJames emphasized the importance of attention in learning and memory formation. He argued that for information to be retained in memory, it must first capture our attention. This insight aligns with contemporary research showing that attention acts as a gateway to encoding information effectively. Attention and Habit FormationJames explored the connection between attention and habit formation. He suggested that repeated attention to specific actions or thoughts strengthens neural pathways, forming habits. This interplay between attention and repetition is foundational in habit-building theories today. Relevance of James’s Ideas TodayModern psychology and neuroscience have validated and expanded upon many of James’s ideas about attention. For example:
It has been over 10 years now since I completed my thesis, and during this time we have seen greater and greater strains put on the system of public education. Covid 19, lead to hybrid learning, which caused an even greater disconnect between teachers and students. The CCSS continues to this day, and teachers are boxed in to content that doesn't connect with the students, and locked into pacing guides that force superficial coverage of content. The system is completely disconnected from the students.
There is another way. The analysis of the interviews with scientists and educators points directly to how we must consider not what we teach, but how we teach in order to develop cognitive abilities. These cognitive abilities will continue to serve the student for years to come, while simple facts will fade from memory. In the original analysis of the data, or perhaps mainly to create a simple version summary table, there were onl 11 examples of cognitive capacity. we needed to address. Perspective taking was not on the list, but infact it was an important part of many of the conversations. Today, I can see that it is clearly one of the most critical cognitive capacities to develop. Perspective taking is so necessary in our divided world. We have become a culture of narcissits who require perfect mirroring of one another. If we do not receive the perfect mirror of our beliefs, we cut off all communication and connection. This is the opposite of what a healthy society looks like. Clearly, this type of narcissitic demand on people only leads to division and enmity.not The capacity for perspective taking allows our youth to be able to hold various truths without these becoming burdonsome to their own values. I can honor and respect a muslim woman who believes that to show your body or even your hair displeases God, while at the same time I can keep my own belief that God loves our human form and glories in its beauty. The ability to honor multiple perspectives allows for deeper conversations to emerge. We do not get caught up or defensive about our own beliefs and how they differ from another, but we can start to look for the places of agreement between us. This will help us define our shared moral values, and those are the ones that can be used to help us create social norms. We can look honestly at where we agree, and when we find differences, we can deepen our understanding of the other person and deepen our understanding of the world. When we are able to see each other and honor them, we will live in a more peaceful world and learn to see the beauty in our diverse ways of seeing and being in the world. Each of us has the most important role of helping our students navigate the world. They must know themselves, see themselves in the world around them, and have the resources to share their passion and purpose with the world. Being able to discern what is true versus what is false is probably one of the most important skill we can provide for our students.
For Aristotle, truth was central to the pursuit of knowledge and the fulfillment of human potential. He believed that:
Knowing Truth shapes how we navigate the world, make decisions, and engage with society. For children, whose minds are still developing and impressionable, the ability to seek, question, and discern truth is both a gift and a necessity. Without these skills, they risk becoming passive consumers of information, vulnerable to manipulation and unable to form independent, well-reasoned perspectives. Our current system of education has done so much damage to the inherent, natural ability to discern truth. We have created a culture of seeking the right answer, and that the teacher is the one who knows that answer, and the student must memorize this truth. In reality, what is true for you may not be true for me. There is certainly a difference between fact and opinion, but what is relevant and right for me may not be the same as what is right for you. Truth must be referenced in context. If we don't start to help students develop the skills of tuning into their own capacity for knowing, versus looking outside themselves, they will most likely become led into systems of beliefs that are not in their best interest. This has always been a point of vulnerability for our youth, but it is even moreso now. I asked AI to tell me the biggest issues facing our youth with respect to discerning truth, and this is what it came up with.
One thing that concerns me it the political weponization of information. But even more concerning is the weaponization of censorship. The idea of protecting people from information through censorship is a dangerous road to travel. Our Constitution put Freedom of Speech as the FIRST Amendment for a reason. When we supress dissenting voices, or unpopular opinions, we can perpetuate injustice and oppression. In today's world, where our media are controlled by a small group of elites, this freedom of expression is ever more precious. The solution to guarding against manipulation due to false information is to help our youth develop better research abilities, and to know how to discern truth. Freedom of expression can actually help build spaces where conversations around what is true, how do we know that is true, and the nuances about belief versus fact can be held. We must allow space for all ideas, even controversial ones, can be examined, debated, and refined. Differing viewpoints should be held up for examination, and understanding. Courageous conversations will teach our youth that when we go through the initial discomfort of engaging in conflict resolution, show the willingness to confront opposing ideas, even at the risk of being ridiculed or losing support of certain friends, we see that these conversations open up pathways to growth and understanding, rather than being a barrier to learning. Most important, when we build this capacity we put the burden of the responsibility for discerning truth onto the student. The accountability shifts from the adult or authority in the room, to the individual themselves. This leads to greater self-direction, the fundamental source of a purpose drived life. Encouraging personal accountability and intellectual resilience in standing in one's own truth is a lifetime gift for our youth. There are many ways that we can foster this environment in our schools and with our youth. To do this we must cultivate environments where:
In a world where the boundaries of truth are increasingly contested, teaching children to seek truth is a profound act of empowerment. It arms them with the tools to navigate complexity, resist manipulation, and contribute to a more informed, compassionate society. Only through the free exchange of ideas can we nurture the next generation of truth-seekers, ensuring they are not only prepared to face the challenges of their time but also equipped to rise above them. At the entrance of the ancient Greek Temple of Delphi is the Inscription "Know Thyself"
Today's education has moved so far from this primary purpose that it is almost achieving the opposite goal. By the time our youth have traversed the 12 years of conditioning, and testing in areas that require little critical thought and no personal reference, they are likely to be far from the point of self-awareness and self-actualization. Even though this did not make the list in the interviews with scientists, in reality, it is likely the most important cognitive capacity that any of us can develop. The ancients knew this truth, and emphaized it as essential for living in society. In Aristotle's writings, particularly in the Nicomachean Ethics, he emphasizes self-knowledge as a cornerstone of virtuous living. He believed that:
Self-awareness is a subtle aspect of cognition. It develops over time, and is connected to the awareness of self in relation to other, and in relation to the world. Below are some ideas for bringing activities to encourage self-awareness into the classroom. 1. Journaling
I was talking with my sister the other day about the fact that the Common Core Curriculum rarely connects with our community members. I talked about how one family had recently had their water shut off. Now, a child arrives at school, and they may not have had a chance to take care of basic needs. They are not in the mindset to learn something that is completely foreign to their life and the very real and pressing issues they face.
When talking to my sister, she agreed and said, I don't know why they have to learn about George Washington when that is not relevant to them. But no, in fact they should learn about Washington. It is not that George Washington or the founding of this country are irrelevant, it is just that the way in which they are being taught is completely disconnected from their lives. There are many ways in which the American Revolution already and naturally resonates with their own diffulties and experiences. We can talk about the real challenges Washington and the rest of the Revolutionaries faced during those critical years in the formation of our country. In fact, the hardship they faced with basic necessities and the oppression of the King of Great Britian will resonate deeply with some of our older students. We do not need to create content that is only about pressing personal issues or present day circumstances. In fact, if we were to have those issues brought up, they could further traumatize and alienate these vulnerable students. We would lose the opportunity to give them the hope of overcoming their current situation. There are many beautiful examples throughout history that would better serve the spirit of overcoming and facing challenges. Otherwise we can pervert this incredible spirit of resiliency into a feeling of victimhood and entitlement. This is the problem with some of the Critical Race Theory. It teaches victimhood and creates division and entitlement. In interviewing scientists and teachers on the cutting edge of creating a curriculum aligned with development and the brain, the consensus was that specific content was not as relevant as how it was delivered. When thinking of content, it was not whether to include George Washington, or George Bush, but to make the content as deep as possible. So that if we were to discuss one of the Georges we would talk deeply about their character, who they were and the context of their lives. In this way our students engage more of their emotional brain, and deepen their experience. To make content deep, we help them connect it to their own lives, we spend more time on the subject, and make it come to life through artistic activities, role playing and the like. We can deliver the curriculum of history, science, and even math in ways that will engage and activate the individual spirit of each of the kids in our classroom. We simply need to know who they are, connect with them on a personal level, and the tailor our conversations in nuanced ways so as to reach them where they are in their lives. |
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