Ways to Use the AOK Workbooks in your Classroom or Homeschool
The AOK content, such as the Alphabet of Virtues, exposes your learners to the most honored charater traits. Through this exposure, young people become aware of the importance of virtues in their own lives and in the world around them. Simply by exposing them to the concepts, they will be deepening their own understanding of what it means to be in a good and just society.
There are also activities associated with the virtues. Learning is one thing, but doing is another. With this program, our students are encouraged to practice these virtues themselves. In conjunction with the AOK level one handbook, these youth can start to engage with others in positive pro-social ways, and be recognized for those behaviors.
This program is based on the concepts from positive psychology. By promoting positive behavior, our youth develop a positive self-image and begin to thrive. This program is designed to effectively address negative behaviors by giving youth an awareness of their own ability to be good, and what that means and looks like for them as individuals.
There are also activities associated with the virtues. Learning is one thing, but doing is another. With this program, our students are encouraged to practice these virtues themselves. In conjunction with the AOK level one handbook, these youth can start to engage with others in positive pro-social ways, and be recognized for those behaviors.
This program is based on the concepts from positive psychology. By promoting positive behavior, our youth develop a positive self-image and begin to thrive. This program is designed to effectively address negative behaviors by giving youth an awareness of their own ability to be good, and what that means and looks like for them as individuals.
Creative & Enjoyable
The Alphabet of Virtues allows students to express their own creativity. These are not activities with one right answer, nor is there one way in which they can be done. Teachers are encouraged to allow students to color and draw. This will help bring their learning to life. WIthin the pages of the book are places for creative ideas to flourish. Make sure space is given to the student to follow these activities, and add your own level of creative expression as you start to use this book.
Learning is fun. It activates our brain reward circuit. This journal is made to be fun and enjoyable. Allow your students to reconnect to what they are learning and enjoy growing in their understanding.
Learning is fun. It activates our brain reward circuit. This journal is made to be fun and enjoyable. Allow your students to reconnect to what they are learning and enjoy growing in their understanding.
Flexible & Connected
This content does not need to be followed in a linear way. It is not necessary to go from A to Z. Line up the virtues with the other lessons you are covering. When you make the connection between the emotions and character of those members of history, science and math that you are learning about, you will deepen the learning. You will enhance the memory of the information by making deper connections in the brain and in one's personal life. Allow the learners in your classes and home to make the connections to their own life as well.
The goal of the AOK program is to help student connect what they are learning about character and virtues to their own lives and to their identity as a good and kind person. To help further make connection, give ample time for the learner to share their own perspectives and understanding. This will help them understand the world around them and how they fit into it.